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Northern Quarter Action Group


1. Name 

a) The Association will be known as Northern Quarter Action Group.


2. Area of Concern 

a) The area covered by the Association is the Northern Quarter: the area of Manchester city centre, England, between Piccadilly Station, Victoria Station, Back Piccadilly, Great Ancoats Street and the Rochdale Canal.



b) The Northern Quarter Action Group will pursue its objectives in the area of the Northern Quarter outlined above.


3. Aims and Objectives 

a) The Association’s mission is to ensure the sustainability of the Northern Quarter by enhancing the environment as an expression of its independent spirit.


Our objectives are:


  1. Making the NQ a greener place, and reducing carbon emissions

  2. Conserving the NQ’s unique identity

  3. Engaging with NQ communities

  4. Developing our resources



4. Membership 

a) Anyone aged over 18 who lives, works, volunteers or has a special interest in the neighbourhood, regardless of disability, gender, race, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, or political belief. 

b) The Secretary shall maintain a list of members. 

c) Any member may resign their membership by providing written or e-mail notice to The Secretary.  

d) Any Member(s) or Officer(s) delegated to represent the Association in consultation with any other body will act on the instructions of the Association or the Committee and will report back to the following Association or Committee Meeting. 

e) There will be up to 20 Committee Members, including elected officers (Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, and Treasurer).

f) We will aim to have representation on the committee from the following:


  • Local residents (e.g. Smithfield RA, links to the NQ Forum)

  • Local businesses

  • Landlords and building managers (e.g. Smithfield estate manager)

  • Local greening organisations (e.g. A New Leaf)

  • Local cultural organisations/individuals (e.g. Craft and Design Centre)

  • CityCo

  • Local Councillors

  • MCC officers – number and role to be confirmed

  • People with specific skills e.g. IT, websites, bid writing



5. Conduct of Business 

a) The business of the Association will be conducted by a Committee which is established at each Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the AGM, the members will elect from its members as a minimum, the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association and optionally, a deputy Secretary and Treasurer. 

The rest of the committee will also be voted on at the AGM, up to a total maximum of 20 people.  Committee members will volunteer to take on functional lead role/s e.g. Comms, business engagement etc.

b) Between AGMs the Committee may co-opt additional members to the Committee (providing the maximum is not exceeded). 

c) Only one Committee member shall be elected per household. 

d) The Committee may form Working Groups to progress its business and co-opt non-Committee members to such Working Groups. 

e) Members will need to declare any potential conflicts of interest, such as business interests, connections with Manchester City Council etc. 

f) The Association will be non-party political and will not align itself to any political party. If the Piccadilly ward is represented by different political parties and they are to be invited to meetings, then Councillors from each party will be invited. 

g) The election or removal of Committee Members will be carried out at an AGM or at a Special General Meeting. 

h) Members of the Association may volunteer themselves or nominate other members as Committee Members. When nominating other members, their agreement must be obtained in advance of the nomination. 


6. Meetings 

a) Committee Meetings: The Committee will meet as often as it decides necessary and at least 4 times each year. All members will be given at least 7 days’ notice of any Committee Meeting. 

b) Annual General Meetings: The first AGM will be held within 18 months of the constitution being adopted and then annually thereafter. At least 28 days’ notice of the AGM will be given to all members and will be advertised widely within the area 

At this meeting: 

1. the Committee will present an annual report of the work of the Association. 

2. the Committee will present audited or independently verified accounts of the Association for the previous year. 

3. the officers on the Committee for the next year will be elected. 

4. any proposals submitted by a member or members to the Secretary, in writing, 7 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed. 

c) Meetings of Action/working Groups can be arranged, publicised and undertaken on an ad hoc basis. 

e) Minutes of previous meetings should be circulated by the Secretary 7 days before the meeting in which they are to be ratified. 

d) Comments to the press by any committee member should be approved by a majority vote at a meeting or via email, unless a committee member has been appointed by the Committee to carry out this role. 

e) Any interest should be declared and recorded at the start of any meeting. Any member who has an interest shall be exempt from voting on the issue concerned. 


7. Special General Meetings 

The Secretary will call a Special General Meeting (SGM) at the request of a majority of the Committee, or at the request of at least half of the members. The Secretary will give at least 2 days’ notice of any SGM which will take place within 21 days of the receipt of the request. 


8. Quorum 

The quorum for Committee Meetings of the Association will be 3 Committee Members. The quorum of all General Meetings will be 5. [RB1] 


9. Decision making 

The NQAG will aim to achieve consensus through a collaborative approach which values listening and hears all viewpoints. 

Decisions at all General Meetings, AGMs, SGMs and Committee meetings require both of the following: 

  • At least 3 votes in favour 

  • A[RB2]  majority vote of all members present and voting 

  • Financial decisions will be voted on following a recommendation by the finance group

  • The Chair will have the deciding vote where there is no clear decision.


10. Notice of Meetings 

All members of the committee will be advised of the date, time and place of all Association meetings and the agenda of matters to be discussed. 


11. Duties of Officers 


Note: Number of terms that any officer can stand will be voted on at the first AGM.


a) The Chair (or in his/her absence, the Vice Chair) will conduct the meetings of the Committee and the Association. In the absence of the Chair or Vice Chair the Committee and the Association may elect by a simple majority vote, one of their number to Chair the meeting. The Chair should be a spokesperson for Northern Quarter Action Group and represent it externally. 


b) The Vice Chair (Optional) will be responsible for aiding and deputising for The Chair. The Vice Chair should be a spokesperson for the Northern Quarter Action Group. The Vice Chair should be responsible for taking minutes for all meetings in the absence of The Secretary. 


c) The Treasurer will open and maintain a bank account in the name of the Association. Signatories will be the Treasurer and one other Committee member nominated by the Committee. The Treasurer will keep accounts of income and expenditure and report on them at the AGM or when requested by the Committee or General Meeting. The accounts will be audited by a qualified accountant or a suitable person who is not a member of the Association.

Optionally, a Deputy Treasurer may also be appointed.  


d) The Secretary will be responsible for convening meetings and giving notice to members, will ensure that minutes are maintained of all meetings of the Association and its Committee and will maintain a database of members of the Association. Optionally, a Deputy Secretary may also be appointed. 


e) All Committee members will be expected to attend committee meetings and contribute to discussions. Ideally committee members will participate in other working groups and take on tasks so that the workload is shared by all.  If a committee member does not attend 3 meetings in a row the committee has the option of standing down the member, depending on the circumstances and taking into account any personal circumstances.


12. Finance 

a) The Northern Quarter Action Group accounting year shall run from April 1 to March 31 each year. 

b) Any moneys acquired by the Northern Quarter Action Group shall be paid into a bank account operated by the Committee. 

c) All funds must be used to further the objectives of the Northern Quarter Action Group. 

d) Any funds paid from the account must be signed by two Officers. 

e) Recording of income and expenditure shall be the responsibility of The Treasurer, who will be accountable to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that finances stay within budget. 

f) Official accounts shall be maintained and examined by an independent accountant or other suitable person annually. 

g) An annual financial report shall be presented at the AGM by The Treasurer. 


13. Alterations to the Constitution 

Any proposal to alter this Constitution must be submitted to the Secretary of the Association at least 28 days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. At least 14 days’ notice will be given of such a meeting, together with the wording of the proposed alteration(s). Any alteration will require the approval of two - thirds of those present* and voting at the meeting[RB3] . 


14. Dissolution 

a) If the Committee no longer exists, any five members of the Association, may decide that the Association should be dissolved. They will give at least 14 days’ notice to all those recorded on the membership database of a meeting to discuss the matter. 

b) For the sole purpose of dissolution, a quorum need not apply, and the Association may be dissolved by a two thirds majority of those present. 

c) The disposal of any assets financial or otherwise, remaining when the Association has satisfied its liabilities, will be disposed of to a charitable source. This decision should be minuted in the disbanding of the Association. 





*Present means physically attending a meeting or by logging on and attending online


©2020 by Northern Quarter Action Group.

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